RTO: 45310

BSB51415 Diploma of Project Management in Australia



What is the project management course?

The Diploma of project management is for students who want to learn the skills and expertise required to achieve success in high-level project management responsibilities. This course will help you achieve a new level of developing advanced skills of project management.

Including how to plan, organize, implement and monitor the success of teams within an organization. Perfect if you are fresh out of college or looking to fastback and reboot your career path. You will learn key skills to apply in the workplace and accelerate your progress.  You can use the skills and knowledge you learn to seek employment in workplaces across Australia or enhance your ability to perform your current role.

This online Project Management training is designed to provide both employers and employees the information they need in order to understand the attributes, behaviors, and practices of managing projects.

The course is designed for those who wish to acquire an in-depth knowledge of project managment and who aim to become more confident and empowered in their project managing skills as a team. You can also study project management less formally for professional development or out of personal interest. Short training courses can also be used to help pass professional accreditation tests.


Which countries are on top in online courses?

Australia, United States, India, China, South Korea, Malaysia nd united kingdom have great demand or this course.

Does doing this course increase your salary?

Upon completion of an online course in project management, you are ready to prove yourself in predominate companies. Your newfound decision-making skills can help you make choices even in difficult situations, which can make you a strong candidate for promotions. This course may also make you eligible for a higher salary. This course is one of the exclusive course which helps you in promotion and upgrade your salary.                  


What is the scope of Project Management online course?

1) Online courses: Many online universities and institutes have been offering online courses for graduation, masters’ studies and diploma programs. This is quite beneficial as the student can learn the subject from the comfort of his home. Further, they can take up in their spare time and dont have to quit their jobs. This way of learning helps them achieve higher educational qualification and in turn get promotions in jobs.

Further, if a person needs to join some course and is lacking some expertise, he can take up college prep courses online to get ready for a regular course.

2) Online revisions: Revision is one of the keys for daily study and exam preparations. The revision does not need a teaching but a constant grading of performance or updating the knowledge.

Performance refers to the ability to recall the subject while updating refers to improving the current knowledge of a topic from the one already had before. Since students might forget what they heard from teachers in school or college, revision helps them recall and remember those teachings.

3) Online exam: Many times students might need to crack competitive exam for an admission in a prestigious university or scholarships. Online exams serve as a mock test or practice papers to get prepared beforehand of the actual exam. It helps them know their ability to score from the knowledge they have and also their exam time utility.

Many students who appear for an exam without some prior practice test fail due to lack of time management or improper comprehension of questions. They do not understand the questions properly or their time to read and answer the questions was not fast enough. So they either write wrong answers or are unable to answer all the questions due to lack for time. Online practice test helps them learn how to manage time in the exam hall and also improve the speed of solving the question paper. Thus keeping them ahead of competitors.

4) Online training: Some companies and even schools and colleges may need some training for their employs or students. This training mostly involves field or practical training. But still sometimes a mere demo online by a person performing it on the other side is sufficient. This way of online training reduces travel, time and other expenses.

This is also applicable for some vocational courses or summer programs where students are on holidays and can be asked to learn something.

5) Online library: Not all books are available in the local libraries or on the campus of an institute. Online libraries and other informative services as a part of online education help to solve the problem. One is accessible to an unlimited set of journal or books for references.


Some student respondents provided feedback on why they chose an online format rather than a program offered primarily on-campus or at another physical location. Convenience and scheduling flexibility reasons top the list, followed by employer incentives and the limited availability of programs in a specific area of study.

This year this survey found additional reasons students chose to study online. Some shared that online courses are one way to manage social anxieties related to attending courses in-person or on campus. Other students said that transportation issues make attending in-person classes challenging.


Benefit of project management online diploma

What is the benefit of the project Management course?

The following are the benefits:-

Project Management  training courses help build self-confidence and wisdom.

That empowers you to succeed.

They teach valuable skills.

They encourage introspection.

They surround you with other leaders.

They help lead you to the next level.

They help you clarify your vision.

They teach you how to influence people.

They teach you how to build a team.

What fields or pathways are attached to this course?

The following fields or pathways are attached:-

Business Manager

Human Resources Manager

Sales Team Manager

Senior Manager (General)

Branch Manager (General)

Operations Manager (General)

Am I made for Project Management course?

The Diploma of Project Management is for students who want to learn the skills and expertise required to achieve success in roles involving high-level management.

What is the eligibility for the Project Management course?

There are no formally prescribed course entry requirements for this qualification; however, the most common pathway into the program is after completion of  BSB51415 Certificate IV in Project Management and more commonly will come from existing workers.

Enrollment in this course

Learners studying this qualification need to have sound communication skills and will undertake a Language, Literacy, and Numeracy test prior to commencing the training if required.

This program has been designed to be delivered through online delivery and students must be informed of the timetable on enrolment and must maintain the required student study hours.

Domestic students must pass an ACSF based LLN assessment at Learning (ACSF Level 3+), reading (ACSF Level 3+), writing (ACSF Level 3+), oral communication (ACSF Level 4) and numeracy (ACSF Level 3+) or possess an Australian Year 12 matriculation certificate or an AQTF Certificate IV or above.

There is no mandatory work placement or work place based assessment requirement for this qualification.


Cost of Project Management online course

ACSE cost for this course is $1,925.


Opportunities for teachers and students after Project management courses?


Online teaching can be a boon for teachers themselves, making it possible for educators, like their students, to have access to the professional resources they need to continue to learn.

If online professional development is taken seriously and done right, every teacher, novice and experienced, could have the opportunity to learn from the best.

They can be prepared in situations where they can observe master teachers, working with effective strategies in the most challenging of circumstances, and in discussions with those master teachers, reflect on what works or does not work.

Online courses also provide a powerful way to enhance teacher’s opportunities for quality professional development.

Some teachers will take online courses or modules to fill in the gaps in their certification requirements; others to address key topics for their continuing growth.

Online networks can also help support novice teachers, during the stressful early years of teaching, in online learning communities that link them with peers and additional mentoring support beyond those found in their home schools.


Students can get campus level education from the flexibility of their home.

They can change the schedule to their own preference.

With courses from other country universities, they can migrate to those countries once they have completed the course.

Some colleges or institutes give installment payment option like ACSE which helps students a lot.


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